
来源:bevictor伟德官网 作者: 发布时间:2017-12-21 浏览次数:


1.         韩国,首尔,2016530日至63日,NetSci2016会议,狄增如教授,樊瑛教授,曾安博士,报告:“Which publication is your representative work?”,“spreading to localized targets in complex networks”,,“Interrelations among scientific fields and their relative influences revealed by an input-output analysis”,“Two adjusted PageRank algorithms”,“Some research progress on sighed networks”,“Predicting the future trend of popularity by network diffusion”。

2.         中国,北京,中国科学院文献情报中心,2016619-622日,“数据驱动知识发现:情报学与数据科学的交互与融汇”国际研讨会(Program of International Conference on Data-driven Discovery: When Data Science Meets Information Science)吴金闪教授,报告:科学计量学的多层次网络框架及其在姓名消歧、多样化测度以及排序中的应用”(A Multi-layer Network Framework of Scientometrics and Its Application to Name Disambiguation, Diversity Measure and Rauking)

3.         荷兰,阿姆斯特丹,2016918日到923日,复杂网络2016年会(Conference on Complex Systems 2016),韩战钢教授,樊瑛教授,博士生姜立、周健林,硕士生张琪、赵一农、徐翊焜,报告:“Inferring the model of ants movements and aggregation in circular region”“Multiple individuals tracking algorithm for fish in 2D space”“A new measure based on information theory to quantify the co-ordination of fish groups”“A new scientific collaboration network model”